So the alleged Depraved Sex King (DSK) went on TV in Paris on Sunday night to be interviewed by a friend of his and his wife’s to explain the mystery of the New York Sofitel drama. He denied that there had been any violence whatsoever-these being, he said, only the words of the New York Prosecutor-- and he said that the whole matter was simply a morale lapse.
Judging from a poll I saw, some quarter of the respondents believed him. These are probably the same people who some months back thought he was innocent. They were nearly all male and socialist. Another quarter had not seen the broadcast, but a solid 54 per cent said they did not believe the ugly old buzzard and found him insincere in his interview. In fact, you could say they refused to swallow it and spat it out on the carpet.
Comments in French newspapers alleged that this was just more of the same old cosy cuddle of politicians and the media and that the suspect should never have been interviewed by so close a friend of his wife and himself.
The fifty or so feminists who turned up to blockade the TV station were, one feels hardly representative, either of feminists or the majority of females (and many males) here who feel absolute disgust that this fat old gargoyle got away with something that would have landed a less powerful man in an American jail for some fifty years.
That there are two outstanding legal actions by apparent victims against this alleged beast seemed not to matter at all. He dismisses the claims of attempted rape made by the journalist/novelist Tristane Bannon as imagination and calumny. Really, why would anyone want to imagine being raped by this thug? Well some might, I suppose. But isn’t that just more of his arrogance, and his vanity?
Even Tristane’s mother, a socialist regional deputé who dissuaded the young woman from making a police complaint about what happened to her when she went to interview DSK in an apartment—which turned out to be furnished only with a mattress and a TV-- admitted to the police inquiry that she too had once had sex with the fiend and that it was pretty rough, even one might say brutal. She didn’t try it a second time, evidently.
Tout Paris knows the accounts that have been circulating for years about DSK’s sexual behaviour. One of his favourite haunts, a swinger’s club called Les Chandelles is in my quartier. You are obliged to take a partner to these clubs. Some men take prostitutes, others their mistresses and a few their wives. But, I doubt if Madame DSK has gone in to one of these on her husband’s arm.
So his remarks that his little flutter in the Sofitel was more, really, a moral fault mainly affecting his relationship with his wife—and I could see the fear in his eyes as he said this—are no more than an insincere attempt to gain public sympathy. Was he apologizing to anyone, to his wife or to the chambermaid Diallo? Certainly not.
As the French press commentators wrote, he was arrogant and insincere. And need we add, probably untruthful?
So why would a wife put up with this? During the latter days of the New York farrago, word was out that Anne Sinclair, the heiress and former TV journalist was getting to the point of no return over her husband’s sexual behaviour.
What I don’t understand is why would any wife put up with this, never mind paying the huge bills associated with keeping the man in luxury to save him from his cell on Rikers Island? So she is an heiress? Frankly, all the more reason let him sit out his time in jail and save the money and her face by finding someone new.
But, evidently Ms Anne Sinclair alias Madame Dominique Strauss Khan was having fantasies about being First Lady in 2012. Surely those are over now?
DSK is never going to be President of France, and even considering the selection of low grade candidates available for that august post, the citizens of France, and the female employees of the political institutions especially, may heave a sigh of relief that DSK is not going to be in the running.
Better still, if Madame DSK divorces her humiliating husband that will give one signal of hope at least to the oppressed females of this country (especially the poorer ones) that this whole debacle has been a step in the direction of the idea of female dignity. As for the politicians they treat it as a divine right of kings to maul and bonk their female staff. Maybe some of the girls enjoy it. Or they prefer to keep their jobs.
Males rule. Right?